Monday, August 28, 2006

10 Freakin' Years

So on last Thursday, the company that I work for celebrated my tenth anniversary. My actual anniversary was on the 22nd, but I am not complaining. So as part of the celebration they gave me a cool plaque
and an X-box 360. I have been totally digging the 360. So far I have purchased Dead Rising and downloaded Geometry Wars: Evolved and a bunch of game demos. Here is my x-bow 360 gamers tag if you are interested.

One of the cool things about the X-box 360 is Achievements. If you look at the line with the G in the circle you will see my Achievement points, these are earned by doing different tasks in the games you play. It adds a new level to games when you have new goals to meet.


Peach said...

Hey Paul,
Congrats on the 10 years....thats pretty darn cool! Take care and say hi to all the guys for me.

Anonymous said...

You are one of the few people I know who is celebrating getting a plague for your 10 year anniversary but I am happy for you nonetheless. :)

PalinDrome said...

Stupid Spellcheck not catching correctly spelled incorrect words:)