Wednesday, March 14, 2007

RSS Reader showdown

A couple of months ago, I was talking about my love of bloglines and how it had transformed my websurfing in the same way that Tivo had changed my TV watching. Well I was bored on a job site waiting for someone else to catch up to me so I decided to check out Google Reader again. I liked what I saw the first time I checked it out, but every time I would go and check out the new messages on a feed it would display all of the messages not just the new ones. After so tinkering, I found the "show only new message toggle" which made it a much more pleasurable experience.

Things I liked:
- Post's original formating is kept intact. Bloglines tends to show all html code as if you are viewing it with Notepad. After all formatting is for fancy ass programs like Word.
- Embedded videos actually show up. Not only do they not show up in Bloglines there is no indication they are even in the original post.
- Able to go to next post/page by pressing the space bar. Makes lunch time reading more convenient.
- Able to star articles that I find interesting so that I can come back and look at them latter.

Things I hate:
- VERY SLOW update time on some feeds. I first noticed this when I was asked about a post on a feed I read. I knew I was up to date, so I went to the originating site and saw many posts that I had not seen. I then checked Bloglines and saw that it too showed the post in question. Then on Saturday, I was doing a comment check run through the blogs kept by people I know and noticed that Technogreek had added a post 5 + hours ago and I had not seen squat. After some searching on-line and my own massive experience I think that they way Google looks at feeds is based on how many people are subscribed to the feed. I am guessing this because the feeds that are popular are the ones that seem to have quick updates, but my friend's feed seem to be dog slow.
- Unable to publish a list of my feeds. I am able to publish articles that I think are interesting which is kind of cool.

I had made up my mind to go back to Bloglines, but in the process of doing so I managed to delete all of my feeds. PEBCAK. So for right now I am going to stick with using both of them for right now, with Google Reader being used for the major sites and Bloglines being used for the friend sites.

I somehow doubt I will mention if I make a change again :)

UPDATE: So I am still liking Google Reader, but I liked to have my feeds listed. So I figured out how to export my Google Reader feeds and re-import to Bloglines. So you can once again check out my 88+ feeds here.

1 comment:

DawnOfTheRead said...
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