Monday, February 20, 2006

Mirror Mirror on my DVD Player

Today on my DVD player: Mirrormask
I could not believe how cool this movie was. I knew it would look beautiful since it was based on Dave McKean's art, but I was not prepared for how well he would make his bizarre art make sense in the story. I had seen stills from the movie over the last two years and they were all pretty strange, but when you are watching them in contexts it does not seem bizarre at all.

It is kind of strange how life works. Last weekend I watched 3 movies that all kind of blew... This weekend I watched three movies that were all really cool.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Hey Paul, it's Jim (2.0). I just realized I never thought to save your email address in Outlook. Mind sending me a mail real quick when you read this? Gracias.